Mold Inspection

Professional Mold Detection, Inspections & Assessments  

inspectionWe provide the following in our inspections:

  • Air sampling - the air you breathe
  • ERMI Test - 36 Mold Species tested for overabundance
  • Laser particle sampling for VOC's
  • Visual mold inspection
  • Damp assessment
  • Humidity assessment
  • CO2 assessment
  • Ventilation assessment

This comprehensive assessment will determine if your building is habitable. The assessment report includes the assessor's findings, mold causes, and protocols how to remedy the mold infection.

Only industrially approved mold air samples can quantify the overabundance of mold, these air samples will indicate if the building is habitable. Mold Detection SA utilises standards developed by the Department of Microbiology in its sampling methodologies to ensure that quality assessments are done. The lead assessor, Deon Smit has been trained by Professional Mold Inspection Institute (PMII) in the United States of America as a Certified Mold Inspector as well as a Certified Mold Remediator. Deon is also a professional member of the National Association of Mold Remediators and Inspectors (NAMRI-USA).

Mold air sampling will assist in identifying the Genus and Species of the mold. There are over 500,000 mold species and each one of these mold species can affect human health differently, identifying the prominent overabundant mold genus will assist your doctor in developing a better-informed diagnosis that will assist you in a speedy recovery.

Black mold often does not "die" but goes into remission, mold wait for the right conditions and it will start growing again. Mold spores naturally occur in nature and it only needs moisture and organic food to grow. This when you get ill. Read More

Why do we need a mold inspection or assessment?

  • Mold spores are microscopically small, we cannot see them with the naked eye,  we do not know they are there or has infected our house. But we can smell them.
  • Mold only becomes visible at approximattely 27,000 spores, you can have a mold infection in your house and not know it
  • Thirdly, they are sneaky, mold can grow anywhere, and mostly in dark places where we cannot see them.
  • The other and most important reason is health. Mold is affecting our health or creating a health concern.  When mold spores are present in large quantities (overabundance), they are a health hazard or concern to humans.

Medical Emergencies we have assisted with

Here are some of the type of calls that I  receive and where we have treated and solved successfully the mold problem.

Client called and said. "My son is in intensive care with respiratory problems, we have mold in the house and we think the house is killing him. Please help!!!"

With the help of  the mold inspection and assessment a specific mold genus and specie was identified that was affecting child’s health. The client notified the doctors, we did a mold remedial exercise on the house and the doctors was informed and child was cured.

Case 2
There is mold on my clothes in the wardrobes – on the outside wall of my house and a kind of musty smell in drawers and wardrobes. No evidence (so far as I can tell anyway) of any damp or mold on the actual walls.

Questions that the customer raise were: Where is it coming from? and what are the health concerns? Please help!!!!

With the help of  the mold inspection and assessment the source of the damp was identified, the type of mold was identified, cleanup protocol and processes were done, damp was eradicated and a healthy environment was created - case solved by Mold Detection SA)

So how do we start with a mold inspection or assessment? To start we need to know a couple of things about mold or mould.