Thank you for your interest in using Mold Detection SA. Please read the section below where we explain our services.
Mold Detection SA services includes:
Mold assessment
o Identify areas with visible mold or areas with a mold smell.
o Identify moisture intrusion areas (Cause) or areas with high humidity
o We do Mold air sampling tests – quantity (see if building is habitable)
o We can further identify the type of Mold making you ill, so that you can advise your doctor of what is making you ill; and assisting your doctor to provide a more informed diagnosis thus making you feel better soon.
Test for Sick Building Syndrome:
o if the building is suffering from poor Indoor Air Quality (micro particle/biological organism contamination). Poor Ventilation)
o Test CO2 and O2 levels.
o Test for Formaldehyde
Deon from Mold Detection SA was trained by Professional Mold Inspectors institute in the USA and we have developed an extensive Mold assessment inspection methodology to ensure that we are able to provide you with an accurate assessment for Mold.
Cost of the Assessment
• R4,750 – 10 Air Samples only – no Genus Identification plus visual mold assessment.
• R6,750 – 10 Air Samples only – Includes Genus Identification plus visual mold assessment.
• R6,750 – 10 Air Samples only – no Genus Identification, visual mold assessment, ventilation assessment, moisture intrusion, humidity, VOC – test, Sick Building Syndrome test. Extra rooms R245 per room. Plus Report on findings and plans for remedial action.
• R8,750 – 10 Air Samples only – Includes Genus Identification, visual mold assessment, ventilation assessment, moisture intrusion, humidity, VOC – test, Sick Building Syndrome test. Extra rooms R345 per room. Plus Report on findings and plans for remedial action.
Please may I have the following should you be interested in continuing?
• Your full name
• Contact details + alternative number
• Full address of the property
• A brief description of the problem
• The number of rooms (Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Kitchen, living room, etc.)
We again thank you for your interest in using Mold Detection SA. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries
Kind Regards ,
Deon Smit